
사업공고Information on holding the 4th SHINY Arts Festival and distributing invitation tickets(23.05.02 Correction)

재단법인 빛이나
조회수 1786


Business Overview

「SHINY Arts Festival」 provides an opportunity for cultural artists of various genres to show

their talents to their heart's content and supports them to continue to grow and develop with hope for their future.



Guidelines for holding

an arts festival

We are conducting a contest to distribute invitation tickets.

A sub-title containing the theme of "Our Stories and Memories"

has been selected and the poster contest has begun.


○ Name of the event: The 4th SHINY Arts Festival : Today of meeting again, Our Stories Op.3

○ Date and time of the event: May 21, 2023 (*re-announcement later)

○ Event location: Re-announcement later

○ Number of visitors: 150 people selected (including domestic and foreigners) from the number of applicants for the title & poster, 1 sheet per person



Subheading & Poster Contest Guide

○ Subheading contest period: April 17th to 23rd

○ Poster contest period: April 24th to May 7th

* We design and submit a poster based on the contents of the finally selected sub-title, "The 4th SHINY Arts Festival : Today of meeting again, Our Stories Op.3"

○ Entry content:

1) Arts festival poster (A2 / 420*594mm)

2) YouTube pre-announcement image (1920*1080)

3) Instagram pre-announcement image (1080*1080)

4) Arts festival cue card image (A4 half size)

* The submitted poster can be applied to design such as tickets.

* I can request you to modify the size and so on.


1) Upload file up to 50MB (compressed file possible)

2) In case of exceeding the capacity, it is received by e-mail (shiny.fest@gmail.com)

3) Submit .jpg with working file in .psd or .ai

4) Different designs for each category may be finalized

5) Participation in one or more design contests is allowed / Poster design is required

○ Final Audience Announcement: May 12

* Additional audience announcements due to ticket transfer will be given individually.

○ How to apply: Apply through the input form



※ If you are unable to watch it, please contact the SHINY and other applicants will be provided with a chance to watch it.

※ If transferred from outside other than the SHINY, admission may not be possible on the spot.

※ The 4th SHINY Arts Festival does not sell paid tickets

※ On the day of the event, a sketch shoot will take place

※ Application materials can be used at the 4th SHINY Arts Festival.

※ Interviews with viewers can be conducted at the arts festival after prior consent

※ Contact information: Kakao Talk's "재단법인빛이나" / shiny.fest@gmail.com / ☎ 02-548-9191(2) / Weekdays 10:00 to 18:00

Subheading & Posters for the SHINY Arts Festival



홈택스 (바로가기 click)

서울특별시 (바로가기 click)

국민권익위원회 (바로가기 click)

Copyright ⓒ 재단법인 빛이나


사업자등록번호 584-82-00237  I  대표자 이은경

통신판매신고번호 2018-서울강남-03842

Address (06040) 서울시 강남구 도산대로16길

13-12 교하빌딩 502호

502, Gyoha Building, 13-12, Dosan-daero 16-gil,

Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

* 보내주시는 선물은 마음만 감사히 받겠습니다.

TEL  02-548-9191  I  FAX  02-762-1798

E-mail  shiny.baz@gmail.com